Ignition! is a journey designed specifically for young people to explore their personal development and discover their identity.


The programme provides a combination of coaching, training, conversation and exploration to empower young people to build confidence, boost self-worth and encourages an aspirational vision and direction when choosing education options and career ideas.


Ignition! has been created to ensure that young people know it doesn’t matter where life began, how life has unfolded to date, or how life is right now. All that matters is for young people to be free to discover who they are and be happy in their own, unique skin.


This isn’t about a name or a label, but much more about who the young person really is, what they are naturally talented at (and not so good at) and to discover the ‘fuel’ that gives them energy and meaning in their life.



Travel Guide and Check-in


The Journey begins with a young person engaging with an Ignition! Travel Guide – an accredited Ignition! professional such as a coach, trainer, teacher or youth worker.


Together, the Traveller (young person) and Travel Guide will agree a ‘departure date’ and be invited to ‘check-in’ online and complete a short multiple-choice quiz to generate a personal ‘boarding pass.’

Collect your Ignition Boarding Pass and take control.

Boarding Pass


Know Your Fuel

The Ignition! Boarding Pass gives every Traveller an insight into their best personal mix of Fuel. This Fuel is the variety of activities that provide the energy to live life in the happiest, most fulfilled way that enables a Traveller to reach full potential.


Find Your Flow

The Boarding Pass will provide a personal profile summary outlining how a Traveller will show up in the world, what their natural gifts are and what tasks, activities or situations they will find challenging.

Passport and Destinations


The Boarding Pass is the start of a conversation to discover if this profile is who the Traveller really is and provides the tools to explore the insights and questions raised.


As they progress, each Traveller is issued with their own Passport, a workbook that the Travel Guide and Traveller will review together, following a structured pathway of personal development and self-discovery.


Each step of the Journey is a destination and so, just like in a real passport, a Stamp in their Passport says when they have arrived (or achieved). 


Building self-worth and inner confidence

The Ignition! mission is to ensure that all young people have high self-worth and core inner confidence. We want them to know exactly who they are and what they offer to the world, with a clear direction for their future and a vision for how they can make a difference to relationships and in the world around them.

Where your journey may take you

Magnificent Me

When you know who you are beyond your name and title – you become Unshakeable at your core!

Cool Communication

To communicate effectively you need to understand the benefits, bonuses, perils and pitfalls of the many ways we communicate both face to face and through various devices and media.

Blast Off Goals!

This fun, interactive, & engaging setting session will get you dreaming, taking the lid off limitations, & blasting off into possibility to create and inspiring future.

Shine Brightly

Know your own value so that you can add value and be valued. What a great boost in confidence and self worth!

Your Driving Force

Understand what drives behaviours, both good & poor, beyond conscious awareness & how to modify them.

Great Job!

Align with your passion, purpose and natural talents to discover roles that will be fulfilling for you in the world of work so you go out to play!

Which kind of Traveller are you? – out of 8

Discover what you are naturally gifted and talented at (so you can work on your strengths) and how that might be different to the other people around you

Learning To Learn

Learn how to make learning fun for you no matter who is teaching you, what you are learning or where you are studying.

Questions for Inquisitive Explorers

Discover which questions empower you or frustrate you and how to use questions to get better results in your life, relationships and in teams.

Lead On

Everyone can be leader – Discover more about leadership and how your Traveller leads best.

Baggage vs Luggage

Identify the baggage you have been dragging along on the journey so far and have the opportunity to choose what you pack carefully for future adventures.

What Fuels you and your own Bright Spark?

Discover which is your main Fuel and what keeps you in Flow. Important because when you are in Flow you cannot be stressed, depressed or anxious!

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Discovers passion


Develops confidence


Determines purpose


Identifies life and career direction



Here at Ignition! HQ we’re very proud of the programme, it’s life changing stuff and we don’t say this flippantly! In the words of a lady who our founder, TeeJay Dowe, admires enormously, Janet Lansbury sums up where knowing your purpose can make a cathartic difference: “In my world there are no bad kids, just impressionable, conflicted young people wrestling with emotions and impulses, trying to communicate their feelings and needs in the only way they know how.”

Ignition for Eduction Program
Ignition! for education

Embedding the seeds of self-worth, resilient thinking and positive relationships to manage emotions, tricky hormones and education!

Ignition! for careers

Supporting young adults to navigate the transition from education to employment to develop a clear sense of self-identity and natural talents.

Ignition! for families

Enabling family members to communicate more effectively and build better relationships through positive emotions and understanding.

Ignition for Business

Equipping teams and individuals with effective techniques to make positive and confident choices that define their career and purpose.

Organisations Using Ignition!

Ignition! is Supported By

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