Developed to empower our primary school children with the insight and skills necessary to be confident, have great self worth, self awareness and resilience in order to successfully navigate the pressures and challenges of this digital generation.
The Discover Your Bright Spark Programme is made especially for 5-9 year old to discover who they are, what lights them up and how do they Shine Brightly in this world.
Designed by TeeJay Dowe, a Neurostrategist and behavioural expert, and Dr Tasneem Gilani, School Psychologist the program can be delivered as a 1-2-1 coaching program to work with individual young people or, can be run as group sessions in Primary Schools.
Ignition believes that every child has a bright spark inside of them, unfortunately life and it’s expectations and pressures may have already started to dampen that spark but when we find it and ignite it – not only does that child light up inside and feel amazing, they light up the world and the people around them, allowing others to feel amazing too. Einstein said that we are all geniuses, but we all have a different genius or bright spark inside.
We must support our young people to discover their natural gifts and talents and encourage them to live in their greatness in order to allow them to feel valued and add value to this world. The Discover Your Bright Spark Programme is designed to enhance the traditional curriculum by teaching young people who they are as individuals, how to be happy, how to be fulfilled, how to interact with others, how to take care of each other and so much more. All delivered in an interactive, experiential and fun way!
By giving staff members the opportunity to complete their own Ignition! profile, they gain insight into who they are, what their natural gifts and talents are, how this shows up on a day to day basis and how to apply it to their role in a very practical and measurable way.
Teachers will better understand the 4 points of the Ignition! Compass – The Fuels and:
Understand the 8 Ignition Traveller profiles in order to relate to the learning needs, gifts and talents and behaviours of young people as individuals and when working in groups.
And then xxxxxxxxxx: